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Welcome to!

Posted on One min read

My own long-awaited website has finally come into existence. Today’s the first day I uploaded my website. Pretty soon, my website will be viewed to millions around the world (yeah right). I’ve been delaying and procrastinating to get this done and uploaded onto the Web. It’s not 100% completely finished and probably will never be. Rome wasn’t built in one day so it’ll take time to populate this website to make your visit more worthwhile.

Anyhow, one of my goals for this website is to experiment some ideas that I think will be proven useful and one day, thousands of people will be using my idea! (yeah, right too). Another reason is to use this to communicate with colleagues, friends and my family. So far, this has three pages—home, portfolio, and blog—and in the near future, I’ll add more pages like photo journal, weather, news, etc. I guess that’s all for now and I’ll post more in the future. Catch ya around.