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Jason Lamberton

Posted on 3 mins read

Wanted to post this for Jason as I feel he deserves more attention to his works. Speaking of being at the right time at the right place, Jason happened to see one police officer riding on top of the police cruiser’s hood. That’s right, on top of the hood, as if it was a roller coaster or something. Immediately, he took his camera out and snapped some photos and put them up on his blog. With the series of photos in his hand after shooting his camera in a burst mode, he was able to figure out the timing and determined that the police cruiser was moving at 26 mph. Then, that next day, he woke up to the knocking of a NBC news reporter and a cameraman. He later found out that, according to his older brother, they had been waiting 5 hours before he finally answered the door. I’ll stop at this point and let you read his blogs. He has such a way of writing that cracks me up. Very vivid writing!

His experience with the police actually made to the front story on the NBC News channel. But they sensationalized the story by saying that the cruiser went 26 mph above the speed limit, which would be crazily 52 mph and went on to call Jason a math whiz for calculating the speed. Crazy media.

After reading about his experience, I now understood how the media can really hype up or spin a story. Jason only thought it would be cool if he could snap pics of the cop surfing on a hood ‘cuz it’s not everyday you see that happens. He had no intentions of getting the cop suspended (six cops involved in the incident got one month without pay and two of them lost rank) but the media captured his story, put up on the TV, and soon thereafter, someone posted a threatening comment on

All for a few snapshots on his digital camera and this whole thing reminded him of his old friend who once did the same thing, got himself hurt, and his skull partially fractured and suffered a minor amnesia. Jason’s wish was not to see the cop get hurt but instead, he got a threatening letter and he really really wanted to obtain a firearm (a shotgun is legal in DC) to protect him from the blacks surrounding his home, not just because of the letter but the police would take forever to come to his rescue and the only thing they will find in his house is blood being splattered all over and his two cats sniffing around his body.

It’s funny because the other day Jason and I was having a chat, discussing how much things have changed since we first met in 1996, how we’re using our blogs to “document” our life because once we leave this world, all they have are our ideas, feelings, thoughts, experience being stored on some hard disks and possibly papers if they decided to print what we have typed. Well, Jason, you certainly got some.